Vital Arts: Safe and Affordable Artist Spaces

In early December, 2016, Jonathan Bernbaum, a well-known video artist in his mid-thirties, attended a concert at a popular artist residence and performance space in Oakland, the Ghost Ship as it was called, and along with 35 others lost his life when a fire broke out. While investigators debated whether the landlord or the building manager was more at fault, Jonathan’s father, Ed Bernbaum laid the blame on the soaring Bay Area rents that are forcing artists to live and hold music events in death traps like the Ghost Ship. To honor the memory of Jonathan and the other Ghost Ship victims, and “to ensure that no artists or art lovers have to pay for their passion with their lives,” Ed has created Vital Arts to provide safe and affordable live, work, and performance spaces for Bay Area Artists and Musicians.
Over the last year we’ve been working informally with Ed, his wife Diane, and the team he pulled together to help them launch Vital Arts.. We are pleased to be called upon to support such a necessary endeavor, and we suggest you do likewise. For information on how to contribute effort or money please consult their website at