A Fresh Look at Berkeley

California ICAN is assembling a collection of fiction and nonfiction writings from Berkeley’s past and present. Political ideas often get discussed in terminology that is divisive, dogmatic, and polarizing. Literature has a different function—it breaks down walls between people by embracing ambiguities, appealing to emotions, giving primacy to experience, and fostering empathy.
In addition to short stories, excerpts from novels, and literary nonfiction, we will include letters, oral histories, articles, graphic novels, menus, and whichever mediums we find appropriate to present a wide range of experiences and viewpoints. Pieces are chosen for their accessibility and ability to engage a wide range of readers. The goal is inclusiveness rather than advocacy, as many diverse communities co-inhabit this city. This literary project has the support and backing of active grassroots organizations in Berkeley, and once published, we will work with our partners to promote thoughtful discussions about Berkeley, its cultural strengths, the variety of meanings it has for those who live here, and its future.
We need the help of volunteer researchers and students to explore Berkeley’s history and happenings. To make suggestions or get involved with the search for rich material, please get in touch with us at: info@californiaican.org