Jennifer Bates (Northern Sierra Mewuk)
California Indian Arts & Culture Festival Curator / Co-Producer
Jennifer is a traditional Mewuk basket weaver who has been weaving for almost 50 years. She teaches classes, conducts demonstrations and makes presentations on basketry and Mewuk and Central California Indian cultures. Jennifer was a founding board member and first chairperson for the state-wide non-profit California Indian Basketweavers Association (CIBA) and has been the coordinator of the California Indian Market at the Tuolumne Rancheria which is celebrated its 17th year in 2019. Jennifer curated and co-produced California I CAN’s inaugural California Indian Arts & Culture Festival which took place in Ohlone Park in Berkeley, California in June 2019. She joined with California I CAN to produce the 2nd Annual festival in 2020/2021 which may actually take place online due to Covid-19.