Upcoming Public Events

June 22, 2024—5th Annual California Native Ways Festival

Saturday, June 22nd, 10:30 AM – 5:00 PM
Ohlone Park, Berkeley (between McGee and Grant)

A California Indian Arts & Culture Festival

Our 2024 festival is curated once again by Northern Sierra Mewuk basketweaver Jennifer Bates and is a rare opportunity to meet and interact with highly-skilled California Indian Artisans from across the state. Our honored presenters will be demonstrating their traditional crafts including basketweaving, bead and jewelry making, boat building, clapperstick carving, cordage making, acorn cooking, storytelling, interactive field games and more. 

10:30 AM — Official Welcome, Festival Opening

11 AM to 5 PM — Cultural Demonstrations, Artisan Vendors & Information Tables

2 PM — Special Panel on the Successful Campaign to Save the West Berkeley Shellmound

3 and 4 PM — Storytelling for all ages 

Interactive Traditional California Indian Games throughout the day.
All events are free and open to the public.

Download printable PDF flyer here

Karuk Basketweaver Dixie Rogers. Photo by Austin Stevenot.
Karuk Basketweaver Dixie Rogers. Photo by Austin Stevenot (Northern Sierra Mewuk).

Featured Traditional Boat-builders (learn how they make their water crafts!)

L. Frank Manriquez (Tongva/Ajachmen) — Ti’aat – Plank Canoe
Redbird Willie (Pomo/Wailaki/Wintu) — Tule Canoe

Featured Traditional Artisan Demonstrators

George Blake (Hupa-Yurok) — Hupa Bow Making
Dixie Rogers (Karuk/Modoc) — Karuk Basketry
Eric Wilder (Kashiya Pomo) — Graphic Design and Storytelling
Carson Bates (Northern Sierra Mewuk) — Cordage
Meyo Marrufo (Eastern Pomo, Clear Lake) — Graphic Art: Relationship to Land and People
Julia & Lucy Parker (Miwok, Pomo, Coast Miwok) — Twined Miwok Basketry
Rico Miranda (Rumsen Ohlone) — Interactive Native Games (great for kids!)
Austin Stevenot (Northern Sierra Mewuk) — Clappersticks
Lois Conner-Bohna (Mono/Chukchansi) — Acorn Processing
Fred Velasquez (adopted Central Sierra Miwok) — Clam Shell Beads
Kimberly Stevenot (Northern Sierra Mewuk) — Basketry
Jeanette Innerarity (Ione Band of Miwok Indians) — Storytelling
Julie Tex (Dunlap Band of Mono) — Finger Weaving Sashes
Gladys McKinney (Dunlap Band of Mono) — Soaproot Brushes
Eva Salazar (Kumeyaay) — Basketry

Featured Artisan Vendors

Johnny Clay (Pomo/Maidu) — Paintings, Greeting Cards, Clappersticks
Joanne Denys (Esselen Ohlone) — Jewelry, Dolls
Pauli Carroll (Yurok/Hupa/Cherokee) —Glass Art
Kimberly & QuarterPint Partida (Pomo) — Abalone work, Jewelry, Hair Ornaments
Jennifer Malone (Wukchumni/TachiYowlumni) — Baskets and Beadwork
Nancy Napolitan (Coast Miwok/Pomo) — Paintings (oil, water, pastel)
Bev Ortiz for Kathleen Smith (Coast Miwok/Pomo) — Paintings, Prints
Eva Ellingson (Walker River Paiute/Mono/Washoe) — Jewelry
Vivian Snyder (Yurok) — Clay Dolls, Jewelry
Ida Rodriguez (Luiseno) — Handmade Jewelry
Deserea Langley (Susanville Paiute) — Jewelry
Jessica Mendez (Yurok) — Dentalium, Pinenut Jewelry

With deep thanks to our festival sponsors and partners:

for more info or to volunteer, call (510) 917-5468 or email info@californiaican.org